There at the Decline

There at the Decline

America's Descent into Political Chaos, Culture Wars, Woke Weirdness, Celebrity Narcissism—and Why There May Be Hope Yet

A thoughtful and humorous romp through the ruins … with a surprising glimpse of hope.

It’s not your imagination. By any objective measure, America is in decline. But as depressing as the facts might be, there’s a lot to laugh at. And there might even be hope.

With keen insight and sardonic wit, Matt Purple articulates what Americans are sensing: This country is in rapid and self-inflicted decline. He demonstrates that the 1990s really were better than today and vividly documents our economic, political, and cultural signs of decay.

Thirty years ago, the United States seemed invincible. We had won the Cold War, the economy was galloping, crime had plunged. Life was good, and the country was confident. But since then, a series of crises have drained Americans of their optimism. Our government is dysfunctional, our president thinks he’s an emperor, our kids are uneducated, our streets are filled with crime, Christianity is in decline, wokeness reigns, and addiction has hollowed out our communities. Even late-night comedy has gone down the tubes.

Yes, the barbarians are at the gate. In fact, they’re in the living room. But while mockery and satire seem to be the only alternatives to despair, no one wants to believe that his country is beyond redemption. There at the Decline offers reasons to hope that what goes down might go back up.

ISBN-13: 9781684514625

Published: July, 2024

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